Book Recommendations
Playing with Ease - D. Leisner
Ergonomía de la Guitarra - Martín Pedreira Rodríguez
A Conscious Approach to Guitar Technique - Joseph Urshalmi
What every musician needs to know about their body - Barbara Conable
The Stanislavski System: The Professional Training of an Actor/ My Life in Arts - Konstantin Stanislavski
Violin Playing as I Teach It - Auer, Leopold
Performing Baroque Music on the Classical Guitar: A Practical Handbook - Peter Croton
Antonio de Torres Guitar Maker: His Life & Work by Jose Romanillos
A Collection of Fine Spanish Guitars from Torres to the Present, 2nd edition by Sheldon Urlik
La Chitarra di Liuteria, Masterpieces of Guitar Making by Stefano Grondona and Luca Waldner
Rabindranath Tagore- Poems
Kalil Gibran - The Prophet
Antoine de Exupery - The Little Prince
Milan Kundera - The Unbearable Lightness of Being and The Immortality, and any of his novels
José Martí - Obras Completas
Umberto Eco - El nombre de la Rosa
Mario Benedetti - Poesías de amor
Ernesto Cardenal - Poemas
Ernesto Sábato - Hombres y Engranajes